30 Nov. The Fritz-Kola Wall Leipzig
Are you want a nice AdventureRaftingTour from Hamburg to Leipzig? Come on. Here is the FritzKola River. The Elbe was yesterday. Thats a trip for everybody. The idea was born in a cooperation with Jörg the owner of the „Substanz“, the legedary Biergarten and Bar in Leipzig/Reudnitz and Markus, the CoffeinExpert for FritzKola here in Leipzig and Saxonia. Ok. let´s start. After the some changes in the first sketches and the OK for the secound sketch I start with some pre-works on the wall early november…weather was like autumn…normal…ITS AUTUMN. No rain please, please pleeeeeeaaaasssse! First Day was ok, not to cold and very important…no RAIN.Next day…RAIN! Stop! Next Day…4hours working…RAIN and STORM…Stop!….One Day Later…RAIN…Stop! During the last two weeks was that the way. And now I´m finished. I´m glad to finished before the first snow comes. Finally I paint a comic style wall with some fine details and two 3D styles. Simple and with a high recognition value. The pirate in the middle is a completly designed of me and my personally highlight of the wall. It was a lot of fun to do that. Much thanks goes also to YOUR for his fresh style again.
Especially Thanks goes to Markus and Jörg to make it possible to realize this project!!!
Some detail pictures and the finished wall check my WALL portfolio now…
and also check: