... About a friend(thx Y.)I came to Zino a few weeks ago, a very pleasant, friendly „SpätiDude“.Zino said I could show some of my canvases in his shop. Good Idee. From today on, a few of my works are hanging, and Mr Idemism also shows...

...ohne Worte... ( falls der/die oder wer auch immer mit mir darüber diskutieren möchte und es hier auf die Webseite geschafft hat findet sicherlich meine Mailadresse oder Telefonnummer)... Ich nehme das definitiv persönlich! [caption id="attachment_1761" align="alignnone" width="300"] WALLS[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1762" align="alignnone" width="300"] WALLS[/caption]   .....aber aufhören werde ich trotzdem...

At the began of 2020 Me,Your and Think we start a project in the east of Leipzig. The wall starts in a mystic mushroom swamp and goes over to the era of Samurai of Japan. We painted 3 weeks with the temperatures of the winter....

In the last time I have some new ideas for a new canvas series. The impulse came during I readed a magazine from the ´70s. The idea is mixed classical act porträts with graffiti . Stilistic canvas with natural womens and a touch of graffiti....

The next Porträt shows a Padaung women. The Padaung are a unique small mountain people in southeast Myanmar and Vietnam. Her unusual jewellery optically lenghtens her neck but in reality it is the collarbone and the shoulders that are shifted. This tradition begins with young girls from 5...