

...a legend wall full picture

... About a friend(thx Y.)I came to Zino a few weeks ago, a very pleasant, friendly „SpätiDude“.Zino said I could show some of my canvases in his shop. Good Idee. From today on, a few of my works are hanging, and Mr Idemism also shows...

Another one of my acrylic series...

...a very nice day with ma man YOUR in the outback of saxonia. Frosty wintertime,a snowy landscape are the best time to renovate our house. A further combination of colors,style and portrait. The stories go on....

...ohne Worte... ( falls der/die oder wer auch immer mit mir darüber diskutieren möchte und es hier auf die Webseite geschafft hat findet sicherlich meine Mailadresse oder Telefonnummer)... Ich nehme das definitiv persönlich! [caption id="attachment_1761" align="alignnone" width="300"] WALLS[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1762" align="alignnone" width="300"] WALLS[/caption]   .....aber aufhören werde ich trotzdem... a new project starts......

At the last days of this summer we painted 2 days in Hölle :-) . A very very nice (private)hall. Shot outs and Greez to Mr. I . I painted a porträt from a men outta marocco. A girlfriend take this shot during a journey....

Last Weekend I painted a little wall together with YOUR , my daughter and her girlfriend on the betterRunJam at the Werk 2 hall. Theme was the Leipzig City Graffiti history and the 25th birthday of the legendary "Mad Flava" graff store. Inspired through the...