

two weeks ago visited me my brother from the another mother outta switzerland. The weather was good and we decided to paint a wall here in the east of Leipzig.The "Rabet" Wall. A Freestyle Concept...

...rainy days, autumm, storm,coldness, less light, low temperature. Time to make some white papers fill with color. Some stuff from the last days. Also two or three new WALLS. Check it or go sleep...grinchy greez Kaku...

...about life. We go to the supermarket and buy our food without think about how and where grown the vegetable or fruits. What must we do for our daily meals here in the consume society? really nearly nothing!.... Electricity is normal here in europe. But without electricity,honestly...

...friday afternoon. job is out. weekend. The trip starts to travel by train and the last twenty kilometers go by bike. On a unknown island in the near of little village outta space. my neighbors asked me few weeks ago "Are you interested to spray...

Working for my first Solo Show at my "Hinterhofatelier" without trouble and noise of the city...

two guys two days - one wall Knallbunt from KQ on Vimeo....