In the last time I interessted and inspired by a book from Markus Mauthe its named "LOST". In this book are many many portraits of people from indigenes folks which cultures are threatened during globalization and capitalistic projects. Her habitats will be destroyed without about...

...about life. We go to the supermarket and buy our food without think about how and where grown the vegetable or fruits. What must we do for our daily meals here in the consume society? really nearly nothing!.... Electricity is normal here in europe. But without electricity,honestly...

Tomorrow is holiday!Upps.oh…TODAY is holiday. I´ll be back….soon. You can find two new WALLs in my portfolio (if you want) and after my journey may be ….may be….I have some new stuff. Have a nice time Fraggles and Freakz out there. Sun, Chill , Colors...